Serving your every need.

We work to support staff

Organisational Development

We have assisted many organisations to address organisational or structural difficulties, procedural problems or communication issues. This usually involves a thorough look at an organisation, its structures, staffing, relationships, procedures and policies. We work to support staff and management to achieve a structure and way of working for the future. Examples include:

  • Filor Housing Association - over an extended period we worked closely with the Board of Filor to address a range of procedural and organisational issues and to recruit new staff to assist it to grow into an organisation which could develop its social housing provision most effectively.
  • Belfast Community Housing Association - our work with B.C.H.A. sought to assist the Association to achieve the most appropriate structure for growth and ultimately involved business planning work and recruiting additional senior staff.
  • Open Door Housing Association - this major organisational review looked at all aspects of Open Door’s staffing, structure, Board, procedures, its supported housing, hostel accommodation and management arrangements. We also recruited new senior staff and assisted the Board and senior management team to make a range of changes to operational procedures and policies.
  • Equality Commission - this review of information provision within the Equality Commission sought to consider the most appropriate organisational structure and location with in which this function should be delivered.